Part 1: Building an Email List

1. Getting Opt-Ins

In this video we look at how to attract users to want to sign up to your list by using optins and lead magnets.

2. Establishing Distribution Channels

In this video we talk about how to best establish distribution channels, which will be the main drivers of traffic to your lead magnet.

3. Landing Pages

In this video we look into the best way to build landing pages that cater to your email marketing strategy and email platform

Update: I know longer recommend GetResposne for Beginners due to pricing. Check out Moosend below.

4. Find an All-in-One Solution

In this video we look at the best options for Email marketing platforms that include everything you need as far as creating everything we previously talked about.

Alternate, for those using WordPress

Part 2: Email Marketing

5. My Top Email Marketing Hacks

In this video we look at the fundamentals of actual emailing marketing. What do you send your subscribers once you've got them on your list, as well as tips on how to increase open rates and keep your list healthy, sorted and optimized.

UPDATE! Part 3: Automating Your Email Marketing (Easy Money)

6. Automated Email Scraping, List Building, AND Campaigning

In this update, I talk about a platform that allows you to do everything I've covered in this entire program on auto-pilot. Even the acquiring of Emails!