Hey – Chris here!
I designed this site to teach people how simple it can be to create a blog that revolves around your passion(s), and eventually use it as a vehicle to monetize your life. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, we are living in a golden era right now.

Never in history have we had so much abundance. With just a little patience and consistency, it has become very possible to get the kind of life you want and make a good amount of money right there at your computer, regardless of where you live. There are tonnes of sites and gurus out there charging you money for empty promises. I know it can get overwhelming and annoying for those who are just trying to learn.
For this reason, I wanted to create a hub where you could get access to what you want. That is, free content that is practical, actionable, and can actually help you! I hate to think how much money I’ve put into courses that taught me nothing Therefore, my goal here is to create a community, devoid of spam, and devoid of people trying to take advantage of you when they have absolutely no value to offer.
Currently, when I look around, I can’t really see a community like that anywhere.
Now, I have a good idea of the lifestyle a lot of you are currently living. Maybe you’re feeling down, working in a job you hate, and seeing no light at the end of the tunnel. It doesn’t have to always be like that. If you would like to be part of building a community where everyone is learning and helping each other get a leg up in life, read on…
As I said, I’ve been where many of you are right now
After I graduated from University and put myself into tens of thousands of dollars worth of student debt, I went to work for an IT company. It didn’t take long for me to start feeling like crap. I’m talking depression, putting on about 40lbs, getting full-blown panic attacks at random multiple times a day.
My life was taking me on a one-way track to somewhere bad. The upside was at least my shitty entry-level I.T. job was allowing me to save some money, but my life still sucked – Rat race city!. The quote below is something I, unfortunately, related to on a deep level…
After a while, it became too much. The anxiety was taking its toll. To avoid any permanent damage, I dropped everything and decided to go traveling with the money I’d saved up and teach English overseas in Asia. This was at the time a great idea, and my life did change for the better. However, despite teaching English overseas being really fun (I’d recommend it), there is a very low earnings potential in the long term.
After realizing that my life was going nowhere fast, I started noticing people online talking about financial freedom, working online, and traveling, and it immediately enticed me. I started searching and trying to find out the “HOW“, like you’re probably doing now. This was around the end of 2014.
Like many of you, I started off making the general beginner mistake of throwing money at the problem. I bought a bunch of online courses and subscribed to gurus on YouTube. Some good, some absolute scam artists. After some time, I started getting the hang of how the online game worked and started seeing some return on my efforts. Both through affiliate marketing, dropshipping, and even some coaching.
When I made my first money the excitement I felt was overwhelming. I felt like I’d cracked the code.
And like anyone with a secret too good to keep, I started telling my friends and working on projects together with them. A few of them took action but most didn’t, which is the norm. Most people simply aren’t willing to put in the work now to live the life they dream of later. But I still wanted to spread the word!
I hadn’t thought about it before, but I do get most of my fulfillment out of helping people. I always have. It’s most likely why I hated my IT job but loved being a teacher despite its low pay.
As an effective way to share content with you, discuss things, and answer questions, I’ve created a private group called the SLVRSPN Affiliates. SLVRSPN (Silverspoon) is the name of my flagship product, which you can also start for free here
The goal of this group is to allow like-minded people to come together, reach their goals, and inspire others to do the same
There is only so much you can do with a blog. It’s great for putting out big content that will help you out. But, it’s not so great for deeper communication, asking questions, inspiring each other, and building relationships with like-minded people
So, if after reading all this you think you’d like to be included in such a group, click the link below. You will need Telegram for it to work.
- Get Telegram Here: https://telegram.org/
- Join the Group Here: https://t.me/+y-TR9zVsz9ZiMDQ1
If you want to talk more or have questions, hit me up in the group! I’m very active when there are questions!
See you in there!