While Everyone's Focusing On Vanity Metrics On IG & TikTok, Focus On Where The Money Is

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I'll Spoon-Feed You The Steps To A Blog That Pays You In Your Sleep

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Check out these results below

Those are sales notifications that hit my inbox every single day, allowing me to earn money as I eat, travel, and sleep

Why do you care?

Maybe you shouldn't. If you're happy with your current life, then this is not for you

But, for anyone wanting:

  • Absolute Freedom over your life and work
  • The ability to travel when you want and have complete individual sovereignty
  • The money to quit the rat-race and independently make more money than your job could ever give you

This is for you

I'm guessing you've tried and failed at a few things before and you're confused as to why some people seem to just have it worked out and you don't

There seems to be some secret that you're not quite able to grasp

"Even the more legit programs out there seem wishy-washy and involve undesirable tasks like cold calling or spending too much money upfront..."

- SLVRSPN Member

I know all this because I used to feel exactly the same way...

What is SLVRSPN?

The SLVRSPN method is what I eventually stumbled upon that got me working a job I hated to owning my very first 5-figure per month blog!

And I gave the program this name because that's exactly what it is...


I realized that most people were tired of blind-trying; tired of hitting dead end after dead end

I would get messages like, "Can I get you on the phone or get coaching?"

I realized that many programs out there only laid out the path for people to take, like some kind of high horse "learning experience" instead of just giving THE RESULT

Then it hit me

Could I actually just spoon feed what I do every day to other people?

The answer? Yes.

SLVRSPN was born...

The SLVRSPN program is what I believe to be the most comprehensive, easy-to-follow formula to building a business online, which I designed in a way where I have removed ALL guesswork.

"Give a man a fish he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll eat forever"

 Forget all that...

How about I teach you AND just give you the damn fish!

Look, I have bought TONNES of programs and shiny objects in the past and 99% of them fail to deliver on one key ingredient


Most vendors put out product after product, while still being un able to crack this major piece of the code.  

I call these products "Shiney Objects"

They sound good in theory, and even adhere to certain fundamentals of business, but when it comes to actually working in reality?

It's the TRAFFIC they fall short on

  • You learn to build an E-Commerce store, install all the cool plugins, and then?

    "Oh, you need to experiment with Facebook ads and you might fail a few times and throw money down the drain, but eventually it should work!"
  • You learn to build a freelance agency, setup a neat profile, get some nifty email automation software, and then? 

    "Oh, but you need to cold call and sell on the phone, most people won't open your emails, you'll get rejected a lot, it's a time sink, people are rude, but keep at it and it should pay off!"
  • You learn about affiliate marketing and blogging, and then?

    "So, you might not rank for a 3-6 months because your site is new, but just keep at it and hopefully you should start ranking well!"
  • You buy a social media building program, which promises free traffic from Twitter or IG, and then?

    "You're going to have to engage with 20 bigger accounts a day, tweet 5 times a day, and reply 50 times a day,  and then you should see your followers and sales increase... That's what Gary Vee says!"

They're not giving you a COMPLETE System...

SLVRSPN is the only program that doesn't have this "traffic wall" you hit with other programs

In fact, I have for you a traffic method that works so well, it even allows you to TAKE BACK from those who scammed you

You get to take back $$ from scammers!

And that's just a tiny fraction of what is inside

The program is laid out with the SLVRSPN concept in mind, meaning you just need to follow along the what, when, where, and how and I can guarantee results

Heres what you get:

  • Inside information on the nature of the industry, exposing it for what it is
  • Learn how to position yourself amongst those who are winning
  • Learn how to be a professional affiliate and content marketer (not just a guy with an affiliate link with no audience)
  • Learn how to build assets that make you money passively
  • Get access to an inner-circle community so you can get on-demand help from myself and those on the same path as you (Get in before monthly subscription)
  • Learn how to setup a simple backend funnel so you earn money while you sleep
  • Learn to create written & video content that ranks and gets immediate traffic and sales
  • Learn multiple GOLDEN, free traffic getting methods that allow you to get sales immediately (This is no joke)
  • Learn to leech from scammer traffic and take back what they took from you
  • Get access to a 5-Part BONUS Accelerator program, that distills the program down into a "quick money" method that will allow you to easily earn commissions in the next 24 hours or less
  • Get Access to mini-courses, and other programs I've released in the past year

Get SLVRSPN Today Before The Next-Phase Price Increase

  • SLVRSPN Full Access 
  • SLVR Inner-Circle Community Access
  • SLVRSPN "FAST Money" Accelerator - $37 VALUE
  • SLVRBYTES Mini-Bonus Courses - $297 VALUE
  • BONUS: GumProfits Program - $47 VALUE
  • BONUS: Bonus Dynamo Bonus Page Builder - $47 VALUE

Use Discount Code: slvr60 for 60% OFF (Only for the next 4 people)
Or Until The Timer Hits Zero


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What's happening in the community?

Currently climbing the ranks on Udemy and Gumroad with near perfect feedback!

223 students

Simply Jump On Board And Be Spoon-Fed Your Way To Results

Check out some results from utilizing the SLVRSPN Method

Using what's in SLVRSPN, will get you exponentially more sales than your average affiliate/content marketer


Teachable in a way whereby I can literally spoon feed it to you, exactly what, when, and how, so you will make money from just following along and being consistent

Currently, the program is at a ridiculously low price tag as my goal is to build the community first

It absolutely will increase over time and become a monthly subscription due to the value that will continue to grow inside the inner-circle and a continually updated and improved-upon product

Take advantage of this opportunity while it lasts - Click the button below now, and get life-time access (you'll never need to pay monthly, even later on)

See you inside!

Use Discount Code: slvr60 for 60% OFF (Only for the next 4 people)
Or Until The Timer Hits Zero


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